Jennifer Ellis
My mother says that I am a brilliant writer and comedian. My mother knows everything.
Author articles
Gold Diggers
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a gold-digger as a person who uses charm to extract money or gifts from others. A gold-digger is looking for one or more sugar daddies. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a sugar daddy as a well-to-do, usually older man who supports or spends lavishly on a mistress or girlfrie... continue reading
DARK HUMOR: Advice for Young Anorexics and Bulimics by Dr. Tina Dupres
Caution: Nothing in this article should be taken seriously. Do not follow any of the 'excercises' brought out below. Just enjoy the article! Dr. Tina Dupres is best known for her expertise in the areas of anorexia and bulimia, especially in teens. She has written three books on the subject, 1997s The Fat Girl in the Mi... continue reading
Lessons From Mom
In honor of Mother’s Day, I would like to share some of the many
lessons I have learned from my wonderful mother. Although my mother is
a remarkable and accomplished woman, I had no idea of this as a child.
She was just Mommy, the person who bandaged my skinned knees and made
sure that I had a hot breakfast every m... continue reading
Live and Let Die?
My mother and step-father called me the other night to tell me that they were making out their wills. They had been meaning to get around to it for a long time, but watching the news lately reminded them that it needed to get done now. They were watching the Terri Shaivo case on the news and were terrified. In case... continue reading
Mo' Money, Mo' Problems
According to a recent article I read by Gregg Easterbrook, The Real Truth About Money, “research has shown that there is no significant relationship between how much money a person earns and whether he or she feels good about life.” It goes on to say that for many people, more money can lead to depression. This is a ... continue reading
Brad & Jen: Why do we care?
Hearing about the upcoming divorce of Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston upset me far more than I ever would have guessed.
Most of the time, I don’t care when I hear about celebrity unions or
break-ups. Sure, it’s interesting to wonder what the heck Britney
Spears was thinking marrying Kevin Federline or even making a ... continue reading
The GRY Riddle
At a friend’s house over the weekend, I was presented with a riddle.
Normally, I am a fan of riddles and brain teasers. In the age of the
internet, a person can send out a fun riddle to all of their friends at
once. Over the years, a lot of my friends have felt the need to pass
these on to me, usually including the... continue reading
Not a fan of Christmas
As a person who works in the retail industry, I await Christmas with a feeling of dread.  Many sources state that businesses, especially small retail stores, receive as much as 33-50% of their profits for the year.  Involved in a new business venture, I can only hope the next month makes up for several months... continue reading
Both Sides of the Red Carpet
week I had the interesting experience of attending two red carpet
events in Los Angeles. I was at the first event as a guest and the
second as one of the hosts. The experience gave me a lot of insight
into the workings of Hollywood. First of all, let me make it clear that
I am a Hollywood “nobody”. I am on th... continue reading
Please say Thank You
In my opinion, the three most important words in the English language are not I love you. While those are relationship-changing words, they are not as significant as please and thank you. Maybe because I grew up in Mississippi, I expect people to say please and thank you. I think that if you bump into someone, you ... continue reading
Who Cares if Ashlee Simpson Was Caught Lip-Syncing?
Thank God the elections are over and we can get back to an issue
that truly affects the American people: Ashlee Simpson caught
lip-syncing on Saturday Night Live. I was getting really tired of all
the 'George - Bush - closest - election - ever - whats - going - to -
happen - to - abortion - rights' blah, blah, blah... continue reading
The Whore
As the clock ticks closer towards noon, my heart fills with dread, for the whore is coming. Taking a deep, cleansing breath, I try to let the negative energy out of my body. Breathe in, count slowly backwards from eight to zero as I exhale. Again, I take another deep breath and slowly allow the negative thoughts ... continue reading
I Love a Republican?
My boyfriend and I have been dating on and off for three years.  Were getting very serious and will probably get married. Hes kind, intelligent, and incredibly handsome.  He also happens to be a Republican.  While this would be the dream boyfriend of a lot of people, I am a liberal feminist Democrat.&nbs... continue reading
Is It Always OK to Talk on Your Cell Phone?
While cell phones are an amazing invention and certainly keep us more in touch with the world, have cell phones made us rude?  When having a conversation that would be whispered between two people in a crowded place, why is it OK to have the same conversation on a cell phone at full volume?  I have heard peop... continue reading
An Ode to Lynne Spears: The Greatest Stage Mother of All Time
  All of us stage mothers wish that we were Lynne Spears.  She has the best thing going when it comes to Britney and now little Jamie Lynn.  In a crafty, controlling way, she was the one who made Britneys success.  Britney appreciates her help and has richly rewarded her.  All I want to do is l... continue reading
Amy Fishers New Book and Advice for Teenagers
Those of us in The United States who remember  Amy Fisher seem unable to forget her.Amy  Fisher was seventeen when she was thrust into notoriety in 1992. She is remembered for shooting the wife of  her much older lover, Joey Buttafuoco.Although shot in the face, Mary  Jo Buttafuoco survived. The pre... continue reading

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