An American in London What if they didn't let me enter the country? Would I be able to use a rest room before being deported? Did they even have public rest rooms? Would I go to a prison and never be able to call the United States Consulate?read on |

Travelling the World - Part 1 When we say that travelling around the globe has become a lot easier in recent years we may well correct but when we look closer at what is involved in travelling from one country to another, the notion of easier travel is only partially on |

AROUND THE WORLD IN...whenever. I’m not sure what can really be said for travelling the world. So many proverbs come to mind and it’s really not in anybodies best interest if we tabulate all these in the forthcoming passages. What I can do though is offer my own two cents, and hope that they are worth more than their on |

Lessons from the Road: Never Trust a Man named Gator My father liked to take us on car trips - always leaving at the godforsaken time of 4am - heading north, mostly, and landing, sometimes, in Canada. Pops liked that Canada had few restrictions on fireworks. Every July 4th we would leave the country and go to Canada so the old man could blow off a few on |

Travelling the World Part 2 - Airlines - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Having looked at what a 20-year old German person might have to look at before he or she hits the road into the wilds of Europe, we might, this time, look at what is happening within the airline industry and what is viable in terms of value for money, which airlines are reliable and indeed which airlines will be here today and gone on |

Travelling the World Part 4 - Business Travel Declining While most countries might be in recession right now, there is still a fair amount of business travel actually taking place.
When we look at both the leisure/holiday and business travel markets, we can come to the conclusion that the two markets are totally different both in terms of focus as well as on |

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