Robin Sisson
I've covered music and movie reviews for a number of venues in both print and online media. I consider myself something of an 'anti-pop culturalist', as my tastes tend more toward the obscure and genuinely talented over the flavor-of-the-month.
Author articles
Review for 857's Stand Out
The latest offering of young hip hop groove kings 857, Standout, fulfills its prophecy. It runs the gamut of social landscapes right from the terror-soaked intro of a guy being brutally terrorized á la Vanilla Ice and Suge Knight of legend all the way to the CD’s end, Chillin’ Remix -- a fun little ditty, that one! Wri... continue reading
INDIE MUSIC: The Bradbury Press/The Front
Finding your way can be a lonely and sad pursuit. We've all been there--some may never leave the relative safety of being lost. It's rare to find music which celebrates this universal search, even as it allows a bit of room for healthy wallowing. All 12 tracks on The Front from The Bradbury Press strike just such a bal... continue reading
Music Review: Kamil - Warning!
Warning, the first release by young Southern California artist Kamil is... well it's aptly titled. Unfortunately, the warning should further read “USE MAY CAUSE DROWSINESS: Do not attempt to operate large machinery or a vehicle while under the influence of this EP”.Delving into an alternative movement penned as Altered... continue reading
Office Space and the Occasional Well-Placed Object Lesson
If you haven't seen Office Space -- or even if you have but it's been a while -- rent it. Brilliant comedy which comes far too close to the way we, as office drones, think to be classified as parody; it hits the mark if you're up for a little hyperbolic vengeance and escapism.I was inspired to revisit this little gem b... continue reading
Seven Mary Three: Spotlight on Jason Ross
"A writer may describe the ugliness and pain in graphic terms but he
can also try to find the dignity and significance in ruined parts of
the city in the people he sees there." --Don DeLillo, regarding urban
scenes in the novel Great Jones Street.The best writers do this
very effectively, even if not without effort... continue reading
Seven Mary Three: Dislocation Not-So-Cumbersome When You're Doing What You Love
Seven Mary Three is known for experimenting with sounds and moods
while maintaining a consistently exceptional lyrical and melodic
strength. Dis/location, the fifth venture of the eclectic yet somehow
quite consistent band is no exception in those arenas but is very
different in that this time, they're in it to blo... continue reading
Super Size Me! is Super Awesome
Morgan Spurlock is a brilliantly average guy whose message is conveyed
all the more powerfully by his very averageness. This is a guy I'd date
-- and have, in one form or another; he could be your brother or best
friend or best friend's brother. He undertakes the interesting
experiment of discovering how a month-lo... continue reading

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