We all know it, we've all seen it. The world of mobile apps is a never-ending source of new features for us to use, and sometimes, just sometimes, they can be something very, very useful. If you like to travel a lot like me, you start to appreciate the quality as well as the good price of accommodation more and more with each trip.

The first time I took a trip I was hitch-hiking for 5000km, mainly sleeping in my sleeping bag under a tree at a park, or whatever is else was comparable with that. The next time I went to a hitch-hiking trip I managed to hitch a ride on a truck and also sleep inside it. The third time I decided to travel I booked a flight and a hostel.

You see, even though all the experiences you get while traveling the cheapest way possible are pretty much all worth it, at some point you simply want to be more comfortable. For most of us it doesn't come with age, but with experience (even though, yes, those two can be closely connected).

If you have had the same (or similar, comparable) experiences as I have and are now looking for not the cheapest kind of hostels and hotels, but would rather enjoy a lot the kind of hotels which you could be very comfortable in, and you also have more than a dime to spend on it, there are dozens of websites out there for you to find what you're looking for.

However, recently I came across TravelPony. And even more recently I came across their mobile app which allows you to get huge discounts on non-discount hotels. Each day they are offering One deal per city through their app. The deals aren't available for every city, but for most bigger ones in North America, Europe, Asia, sometimes even Middle East and Caribbean, they are there. Each day they offer you new deals, but as I have seen, they tend to sell out rather fast so it's always a good idea to check them out every day if you're planning on booking something

The entire idea of TravelPony is to offer their customers discounts for the money which other booking sites would use to promote themselves. That would be the easy way to put it. And TravelPony's Hotel Deals app is really simple to use way to find your perfect non-discount hotel for a great discount. These deals you can only see on your mobile and they can be even better than the deals offered at TravelPony.com.

Have a nice trip! My next destination? Greece!