It is time for an update to Mudsling 2004.

As the Presidential campaigns near the end of the road, it is time for a report card. The campaigns have been filled with rhetoric of 35 years ago and not much about the present. Both Mr. Bush and Mr. Kerry have run campaign ads accusing the other of misconduct 30 years ago. They both talk about their military careers. Mr. Kerry, serving in Vietnam, has been accused of not doing what he said he did and Mr. Bush, not serving in Vietnam, has been accused of not serving the military at all. Neither side has focused on what they are going to do for the United States. This is mud-slinging at its best. Mr. Cheney, current Vice President, has gone so far to say that if you elect Mr. Kerry the United States would be more likely to be attacked! Both the Republicans and the Democrats say they do not endorse these ads and they go on to say that it is the so-called 527 groups that are running the ads. But yet these ads keep on running. Both Mr. Bush and Mr. Kerry have spent nearly 500 million dollars during this race and one must ask oneself: Where did the money go? One ad shows Mr. and Mrs. Bush sitting there and asking America about choices of which child parents picked up first on 911. Mr. Kerrys campaign keeps bringing up Mr. Bushs missing time in the Alabama National Guard, 30 years ago!


If we look back on other campaigns, mudslinging occurred in the past, including: Mr. Nixons 5 oclock shadow in the debates, Mr. Clintons unsavory past with women, and Mr. Jeffersons children by his slave. Mudsling has been going on as long as democracy and will continue to go on as long as elections are held. This current election is no different, but yet it is different. This election has not been about issues, but about mud. Mr. Kerry and Mr. Bush need not blame other people for the mud but rise above and talk about issues. Mr. Cheney needs to talk about issues and not try to scare voters. Americans need to demand that to be the case.