
Many articles have been written on this controversial subject from hard-core Republicans who believe its all a bunch of propaganda and half-truths to anti-Bush Democrats who believe every single word it says. Although I do fall into the anti-Bush category, I viewed the film with objectivity, comparing what Michael Moore showed in the film with what I have seen and heard on the National News. What did I discover?

Sadly, what I found is that the movie is actually full of more truth than any of us would like to believe. For the benefit of those on both sides, I will attempt to compare what has been heard and seen on National news to what was shown in the film.

Mr. Moore shows the story of a mother whose son joins the military only to be killed in Iraq. The letter she receives from him explains that there are no weapons of mass destruction there, and the son questions why he is there. She questions why her son has to die and what it will take to stop this unnecessary war. Toward the end of the movie, Michael Moore himself questions congressmen leaving the White House regarding how they would feel if it had been their son or daughter over there fight. Sadly, not a single one of them out of 535 even wanted to speak with him or answer the question. It gave me the impression they were saying: Its alright if they send your son or daughter but not mine. I also am told that only one out of all of them has a son or daughter in the military, yet these same people are the ones we elect who have the power to send our sons and daughters to a war zone!

We also see a scene where President Bush is reading a book to schoolchildren in Florida when informed of the planes crashing into the World Trade Center. He looks bewildered but continues to read instead of graciously excusing himself to attend to a national crisis. Why is that? Perhaps it is as Mr. Moore feels that the president doesnt know what to do because he doesnt have Daddy there to give him guidance. From the time of his election, I have always heard that Bush doesnt make any decision unless he first consults with his father, and in this case, he was unable to do so. I truly believe Bush wasted precious moments trying to figure out what to do when this is something that he, as our leader, should have been able to decide in a manner of seconds after all, we put our national safety in this mans hands, so he should have enough intelligence to know what to do if we are attacked.

We also see a scene where President Bush is laughing and shaking hands with Saudis and other Mid-Eastern nationals. I was shocked to learn just a few weeks ago that he actually called leaders of some of these countries his friends-- these countries who are at least indirectly responsible for the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. In addition, the president himself has said, I really thought there were weapons of mass destruction over there. This is not a rumor! I heard those words on the radio, right from his own mouth, in his own voice -- that in spite of being told by the head of the commission in charge of finding the weapons that there were none. Recently I received an email through Daily Misleads where this same commission head states that Iraq was a minimal threat at best and did not have the means or knowledge to build nuclear weapons. An earlier email from the same publication shows a video excerpt where President Bush is asked what he is doing about Bin Laden, to which he replies that he hasnt really thought about it: Im not really worried about him. Were told the war is over in Afghanistan, yet Bin Laden has still not been captured. Whats up with that? A cut of over 50% in military personnel occurred in Afghanistan, yet an increase of more than 50% were placed at the Cuban border to be sure no country sanctions are violated. What kind of crap is that?

Is Fahrenheit 911 just propaganda meant to discredit President Bush? I wont say all of it is true, but based on what is in the movie in comparison to what has been on the news, I do feel a good portion of it is factual in nature. I look at the picture and I look at the way Bush has been handling the debates with Senator Kerry. The president has avoided a good many of the questions concerning his actions in Iraq. He tries to convince us that its to 'help them [Iraqis] regain their country.' The same excuse was used when we were in Vietnam, with the Communists winning in the end at the loss of over 50,000 of our soldiers. I also remember the days following 9/11 and how quickly President Bush was to insist that Saddam had something to do with it. I remember the way the president was treated by Saddam and threatened -- that says to me revenge, and revenge at the cost of our American military! We deserve to know the truth about what happened following 9/11. I hope that we will before this election is over.