Whether you have an undergrad degree in public health or in nursing, biology or literally any of the medical or social sciences, you may want to think about pursuing a masters in public health online degree program. This is one field of study that makes a difference in this global society within which we all live and certainly one you can be proud of. From educating communities around the world that are underserved to working on legislation to improve health policies, whatever it is that you choose to specialize in will absolutely make a difference to countless people.

Why Public Health Has Such an Impact on Society

As the name would imply, anyone pursuing a career in public health would be serving the community. It could be a local community while working in a public health clinic or it could be a global community as being part of a major organization such as WHO (World Health Organization) or the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

Your primary concern is the general public and any area that impacts their health and wellbeing. Some students focus their studies on disease prevention while others seek ways to teach underserved communities how to live in more sanitary conditions while seeking better nutrition for their children. Others work in local health clinics giving immunizations to children and seeing to the health of pregnant mothers. There are literally endless possibilities for a career in public health, each one making a difference in the lives of those they serve.

Where You Choose to Work

The number of people you are able to help will also be impacted by where you choose to work. Are you looking to work with smaller populations such as a local community or do you want to travel the world working for groups such as the WHO or the CDC? Obviously those working for such large organizations would have a broader reach but both local and global public health professionals do make a difference in the lives they touch.

Combining on the Job Training with Advanced Studies

Some students know they want a career in public health but aren't exactly sure what their main area of concentration should be. Here is where it is suggested that you combine work experience with advanced studies. Many advisors in school suggest students seek at least part-time employment with a health organization to get the exposure they need when choosing their field of study when getting a public health degree online.

It's easier to do this when studying online because your time is more flexible. You can get a job on any shift but still have the availability to take a full course load online. There is nothing like hands-on experience when seeking your career path and if you are aiming to make a difference in the world in which you live, you'll get a first-hand taste of what it feels like to serve those who need you and what you have to offer even before you have that piece of paper in hand. Just know that no matter where your area of concentration lies, in public health you will be making a difference. This is one career where that blanket statement is indeed an absolute.