
This article belongs to And That's the Way It Is column.

Well might you say. "Poor old Santa". Here is the poor old pensioner trying to save some time by travelling via the Eurotunnel and he gets stuck on a train half-way through the tunnel, prompting a search party for him.

Yes indeed, Santa might have been stuck in the tunnel aboard a Eurostar train but thousands of other holidaymakers got stuck in the tunnel as well, the farcical procession of high-speed Eurostar trains getting stuck lasting for three days.

And Oh dear, such bad management by Eurostar.

Kids from all over the world will no doubt be screaming for the heads of Eurostar management to be detached from other body parts.

First of all, given the terrible weather conditions at the time, the trains should have never left St Pancras and Lille/Calais in the first place.

Secondly, this 'fuck-up' lasted for three days necessitating a rescue operation by freight locomotives in order to get the passengers out of the tunnel. Had the temperature in the tunnel in the tunnel been lowered as to more or less match outside the tunnel and had track heating devices been employed on the approaches, this farce would have never have occurred.

As it was was, the whole episode turned out to be a farce showing that the Eurostar days of sole occupancy of tunnel passenger traffic can't end soon enough.

It was just pure luck that there were a few spare locomotives located at Calais to clean up the mess. The freight locos came complete with track and overhead heating devices and other goodies so at least someone managed to get something right.

And as for Santa? His suit has been found but no Santa, no reindeer and no sleigh. Bugger that.

My name is Henk Luf.
And that's the way it is.