Life, it's not just beer. These are the voyages of the health-conscious people. It's continuing mission: to explore strange new foods, to seek out new breakfasts and new sources of energy, to boldly try things no one has tried before!

We all need to eat and that's a fact. We all want to do it healthy. That's a fact. We seldom actually take the time to do what we want to do. That's yet another fact. But we all also want to try out new things and one of those is a new belVita breakfast biscuit. It's hitting the shelves already this month and is available everywhere in U.S.

belVita breakfast biscuits are being promoted as delicious - which means you should try them out to make your own decision. They are crunchy and provide nutritious sustained energy to fuel your body the whole morning.

You don't just have to believe us, or belVita. belVita has partnered up with cultural taste-makers from across the U.S. who try to exemplify belVita Breakfast lifestyle. Together they are called "Power Up Pros". If you have question, if no one else can help, and you can find them, maybe you find answers to your questions from "Power Up Pros".

Just to mention a few names from the team - Anna Hovet (Fashion designer, Anna Hovet Designs), Paul Giunta (celebrity photographer), Patricia Moreno (Founder, Sati Life Workout).

That's it folks! Have a nice breakfast!