My question is: who really cares?  When one looks at the man in the Oval Office right now, and goes down the list of mistakes and lies told by the Bush administration as a whole, does it really matter what vehicle our possible future president drives? 

This month has been the bloodiest month of a war that supposedly ended last May. Republicans are now speculating about reinstatement of the draft, and are encouraging more people to join the armed forces.  This will mean the end of more innocent lives, both American and foreign, both civilians and military personnel. 


That isnt where the story ends. Bush is set to be the first president since Herbert Hoover to end his administration with fewer jobs than when he took office. 


It seems mind-boggling to me that the general public is worried more about whether a man and his family drive an SUV than about the tanks our troops operate in daily battles in Iraq. Closer to home, are there even enough jobs to provide opportunities for the purchase of an SUV like Kerrys family may own?


Lets keep our priorities and mindsets straight, folks.  Let's worry about real issues, not mindless ones. Worry about the things that affect our daily lives, and the futures of our children and families.  It will not matter to our grandchildren whether or not Senator Kerry owned an SUV, or a fleet of limousines, for that matter. Yet, the effects of the Bush administration are likely to outlast even our grandchildren. Thats something to think about.