
We must first look at the act to see if this piece of legislation should be renewed. The Congress and the President seem to be split on this issue. The President and the Attorney General vow that they will not let a "watered down " version of this law be passed. Congress is looking at changing the act to take away some of the power. This act does give the President and the Attorney General the right to designate what can be investigated.

This act was passed right after the horror of 9/11. Both of these men can get any records - and I do mean any records - and put any American citizen under investigation. These include: e-mail, bank records, purchase information, phone taps, wire taps and anything else they decide.

The President can then, by executive order, determine you are an "enemy combatant" and can be held without counsel for six months, renewable every six months. These powers go against everything we hold sacred in the United States. We should take a long hard look at this legislation, before it is renewed.